

更新时间:2023-01-23 02:42:27作者:admin2

hardly 副词 顾名思义用来修饰动词。词意 是几乎不 一般放在动词前面表否定 I could hardly stand我几乎都站不起来了具体的 你可以去查字典,用法都解释的很清楚不过我帮你找了一些 不知道你不喜欢用英英字典。hardly hard·ly / `hɑrdli / adverb *** Hardly is a negative word and is often used with words like any and ever, but it should not be used with other negative words:
We hardly ever do anything interesting.
Hardly comes before the main verb of a sentence, but when there is a modal or auxiliary verb, hardly usually comes after it:
I can hardly breathe.
You have hardly done any work.
In stories and in formal English, hardly is sometimes used at the beginning of a sentence before an auxiliary verb:
Hardly had she begun to speak, when there was a shout from the back of the hall.
Hardly is not related to the word hard.
1 used for saying that something is almost not true or almost does not happen at all:
He hardly spoke except to say hello.
Alice was so busy she hardly noticed the days pass by.
can hardly do something: We could hardly afford to pay the rent.
hardly...at all: My old high school has hardly changed at all.
1a. used before words such as ever, any, anyone, or anything to mean almost never, almost none, almost no one, etc.:
There was hardly any wind, just a slight breeze.
You've hardly eaten anything.
Hardly anyone believed the fugitives' story.
It hardly ever rains here in the summer.
1b. hardly a day goes by/passes without something (doing something) used for saying that something happens almost every day:
Hardly a day goes by without some company reporting losses.
1c. used for saying that something is very little more or less than something:
The region's wine industry is hardly more than 40 years old.
New Haven is hardly an hour by train.
2 used for saying that something had only just happened when something else happened:
She had hardly arrived when she started talking about leaving again.
hardly had...than/when: Hardly had the men started training than they were sent into battle.
3 used when you think it is obvious that something is not true, not possible, not surprising, etc.:
It's hardly surprising that people are starting to complain.
David's almost twenty-four hardly a child.
This is hardly the time to start discussing finances.
you can hardly expect/blame etc. (=it would not be reasonable to expect, blame, etc.): You can hardly expect Myra to welcome you back after the way you've treated her.
4 BRITISH SPOKEN used for answering no, when you think someone has suggested something that is impossible

