

更新时间:2023-01-16 22:19:22作者:佚名

标题页给所写文章起一个合适的标题格式居中,二TIMES NEW ROMAN,加重Table of 目录页先将写好文章中的小标题设置格式,然后这里用WORD插入引用自动生成目录,根据情况适当调整行间距,字体大小。下面是例子。 in 正文开始,注意行间距1.5essay格式,字体小四essay格式,TIMES NEW ROMAN,每段开始不空格,段段之间空一行 只写一段(字数占全文10%左右)Main to and Kock (2004), “ one's of and when out work.” There are a great many the world that put “codes of and codes of ” for their to . In many , , legal and are by the and even to the . has also been an over the past , which the world some like ozone , , the and so on, which are to the issue of . of like the US , the of and the of , , are more . codes of vary by and might still . some codes are to be . For the sake of their , honor and , an is to use their and to human ; be , loyal and the , their and ; their and ; and work under the of their . An could be where an , who knows the and using of well, does his best to the of some goods but to the so as to get them into the . What they bear in mind is only their and their , as is their and . like this one that are . In a , (2004) the issue of and and a great many cases in that make “the a and a that will have to lay off or its door - which could end up being grave for , and the .” in of in the work these days that is a new that holds its place in . There is by ( et al 2005, and Kock 2004) and the at large to in by it into . , and could be to . They and be early to . It is also a must for to with code of prior to being . , of right and wrong is at most half of the . A good also needs other like self-, , and , which can be by or sheer . et al (2000) - in for that the being well, it could be made an part of their . In , , or , are doing , , and to their work. By these tasks, they learn to their by their to and some . they are also to adopt their way of , their and their as a real . In other words, they are also their by those like self-, , and in they are most to after their . With these being part of their habit and value, they are bound to be and by those in their . Among the above , there is one point that is most often than not time and again here and there, and could never be . That is . is to code of in that it which is by and a must while . and is also in that means . such as , and - are and by many : in , too many hours, and and so on. Thus, a is to . Their in to their and by with , work and study, will help them adopt and that are also in their work. , using other ’s words or ideas or with , is among the most . and mean other for their and , which are in this -based era. es are where the are to be real like . The are to be made and . Thus and be to , and code of needs to be to these . What is even more vital to is for the to their , , , self-, and so on . doing , paper or other tasks, they stay off like . to means some and right and that are to their . , it is to say that “the of ethic with the of in .” 哈佛文献是常用的,格式如下。


, D.E. et al. (2005). the . of , R. and Kock, N. (2004). []. : for from:.hk/////index.htm [ 2 April 2006]., C. (1999). in : a . in . Ellit, M. (2002). is Power. IIE , S. et al. (2000). - in . of .





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