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What Are The Steps To Apply For A Master's Degree In The United States? (one)

更新时间:2022-01-13 20:18:36作者:佚名

Want to go to the United States to study for a master's degree, but many students do not know how to prepare, and what are the application steps? Because this article is aimed at the novice level of graduate students in the United States, there are several professional terms that must be understood and known.

gpa: gradepoint grade point average

gt: gre/gmat&toeflgre/gmat and TOEFL

ps: personal statement

cv:vitae resume

ws: professional document example

rl: letter of recommendation

we: whyessay reasons for choosing a school

1. Planning and preparation in advance (minimum one year)

The application of graduate students in the United States is a long-term planning process, which requires students to take professional courses at the university level. During the preparation, collection United States to study relevant information to understand the United States to study in colleges and universities, students gradually into the state.

Studying in the United States

2. Take the language test

Generally, it takes 3-6 months to prepare for the entrance examination, including toefl, master gre or gmat. In order to get better grades and select the top-ranked institutions, we may have to go through multiple exams. It is worth noting: Don't delay other things in preparation in order to score points. At the same time, those with high GRE scores can also apply for various study programs in foreign graduate schools and business schools. At the same time, GRE scores are also an important reference factor for universities to grant students scholarships. Low GRE scores may lead to rejection, but students with perfect scores in the GRE math section will have an advantage in admissions.



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