

更新时间:2021-04-27 03:42:36作者:网络

万事如意: Hope everything goes your way.
吉祥安康: Hope everything goes well.
吉星高照: Good luck in the year ahead.
大吉大利: Wish you good fortune and every success.
岁岁平安: May you be safe and sound all year round.
心想事成: May all your wishes come true.
长命百岁: Wish you a long life.
多福多寿: Live long and prosper.
出入平安: Have a safe trip, wherever you may go.
龙马精神: May you be as energetic as a dragon and a horse.
金玉满堂: May treasures fill your home.
生意兴隆: Hope your business flourishes.
财源广进: May a river of gold flow into your pocket.
恭喜发财: Wishing you prosperity.
招财进宝: Money and treasures will be plentiful.
和气生财: Harmony brings wealth.
年年有馀:Wishing you prosperity every year.
步步高升: May you be promoted to a higher position.
名列前茅: Hope you always come among the best.
鹏程万里: May you have a bright future.
一帆风顺: Wishing you every success.
升官发财:Promoting to a higher position.
马到成功:Wishing you every success.

开张大吉:Good luck in your new business.
祝贺佳节:With the compliments of the season.
万事好运: much happiness throughout the year.
幸福永伴:May the joy and happiness around you today and always.
国泰民安:The country flourishes and people live in peace.
祝乐陶陶:May every day hold happy hours for you.
安居乐业:Peace, and live happily ever after.
献上最美好的祝愿:Wish all the best wishes for you.
幸福永久:May happiness follow you wherever you go.
恭贺新年:A happy New Year to you.
恭贺新禧,万事如意:Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.

祝贺佳节:With the compliments of the season.
快乐,友爱和宁静:May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.




BEC考试成绩查询日期并不统一,每个人成绩可查询时间也不一致,具体请以成功注册并登录成绩查询网站后系统内通知为准,网站网址为剑桥商务英语考试-查询成绩。 考生可以根据准考

2021-04-27 03:16


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1. On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express

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新年祝福语 英语

1、New Year's eve arrived, I wish you optimistic, when the pioneer of happiness! 除夕到了,祝你乐观向上,勇当幸福先锋! 2、Looking forward to the next year, I wish y

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