欢迎您访问六级听力听真题真的够了吗 我去年一句句的听了,没默下来,感觉是听懂看,考试还是考的很差哎,怎么办!

六级听力听真题真的够了吗 我去年一句句的听了,没默下来,感觉是听懂看,考试还是考的很差哎,怎么办

更新时间:2021-04-25 02:33:26作者:网络



1. 校园生活场景

1) 借书:

book for reading assignment;

check out;


check for sb;

on the upper shelf;

a book hard to identify/ is missing;

has been misplaced

2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对论文打印错误等

do research for;


work as one’s teaching assistant;

trouble a professor;

may I ask you a few questions;

I have a class at ten;

come in one’s office hours;

finish reading one’s research report;

revise (improve) some parts of it;

get it published;

read some papers he recommended;

correct all the typing errors in a paper;

read it through again;

check the paper for typing errors

3) 同学之间交流:选课;听课感受;对老师讲课的评价;提供老师论文复印件;交流论文写作进展;交流如何读书;考试通过互相祝贺;对生病同学补课;认识新同学;为打印论文而向对方询问如何找纸;谈论学习进展等

stay awake;

sleep through;
unnecessarily long;

more attentive;

on this topic;

hard to follow;

think of;

speak highly of;

consider sth. dull;

choose a good topic;


think of sb.’s lecture;

the topic is interesting;

difficult to follow;

say about;

a copy of article;

get on with one’s essay;

have a real hard time;

two sleepless nights;

be through with;

finish the assignments;

political science class;

each present a different theory;

read more than one article;

get a full mark in math exams;

do a good job;


miss classes;

bring sb. up to date;

help sb. to catch up;

show up late;

on the first day of school;

get to know;

find quality paper to type essay;

bookshelf; stock room;

go and check;

have one’s hands full with;

book report;

how are lessons going;

make progress;

well worth the time and trouble;


boring; entertaining;

time consuming;

take five classes next semester;

2. 家庭生活场景

1) 外出活动(看电影、逛街、参加晚会):

go to the movies;

go out for dinner;

see a different type of movie for a change;

be tired of movies about romantic stories;

love stories;

detective stories;

royal theatre;

I’m starving;

what to wear to the party;

cannot afford something new;

attend a party;

all of the clothes look so old;

And with our student discount;

the tickets will be a real cheap;

2) 外出旅行

the holiday is well soon be here;

be on the plane;

it is exciting to travel by air;

fly somewhere for one’s vacation;

we’ll have another fine day;

let’s go to the seaside
leave very early;

set off early;

go sightseeing;

take a half day tour of the city;

spend more time on sightseeing;

get to the airport in time to catch the flight;

get one’s flight changed;

switch to a different flight

3) 家居生活、休闲:

sit out in the backyard to enjoy the beautiful day;

there is a lot of laundry to do;

wash clothes;

why did sb. call;

pick up magazine she learnt;

get some magazines back;

paint the house;

have the house painted;

climb the ladder;

go home for the summer;

count the days;

on one’s way home;

pack for the summer vacation;

the apple pie taste very good/delicious;

even my mother cannot match this;

have a look at the book I bought;

bought out the bookstore;

bought a lot of books;

a large selection of books

4) 在家请客:

ask sb. to the party;

know one’s address;

invite Tom to the party;

get the Johnson’s address;

call to tell him about the reception

3. 顾客与医生/服务员/秘书场景:

1) 买票/机场:

I would like two tickets for 9 o’clock show;

sell out;

attend a show;

have a ticket for 6 o’clock flight to New York;

I am afraid I can’t make it;

is there a seat available for;

all the morning flights have been booked up;

fly to someplace;

return one’s ticket



英语六级的翻译和写作一共可以拿到212分。 六级考试单项成绩有四个部分,这四个部分以及所占的分值比例为:听力占35%,阅读占35%,翻译和写作占30%。各单项报道分的满分为:听力249分

2021-04-25 08:28


1、一般来说,作为社会默认的标准和各学校自行规定的英语六级合格线都是425分。 自2005年6月全国英语四六级改革之后,四、六级考试成绩将采用满分为710分的计分体制,凡考试成绩

2021-04-25 07:46


六级大部分人的分数在400~450分之间,500分以上算高。 1、大学英语六级考试过线分数默认为425分。 2、大学英语六级考试满分为710分,版凡考试成绩在权220分以上的考生,由国家教

2021-04-25 06:52


真能包过吗 随着国家公务员考试、英语四六级、研究生考试时间的临近,大学校园随处可见各类“包过班”、“VIP协议班”、“冲刺班”的培训广告。广告上“协议包过,不过全额退

2021-04-25 05:12


1、英语四六级大一就可以报考; 2、英语四六级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的英语考试,其目的是对大学生的实际英语能力进行客观、准确的测量,为大学英语教学提供测评服务; 3、

2021-04-25 04:19


英语六级考试分数与参加口语的资格无关。 英语六级口试不需要笔试过一定分数线才能报考,口试笔试分开考。 六级口语考试:完成当次六级笔试报考后方可报考六级口试,例如完成2017

2021-04-25 04:13
