

更新时间:2021-07-21 21:27:20作者:admin2

Teaching content:
1. mastery words: wait, drink, fruit, grape, thirsty, bottle
2. a dialogue about having lunch on the train
3. What would you like?
I would like …..
4. Plural Forms of Nouns
Teaching goals: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of the text
2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson
3. find and use the list mastery vocabulary in lesson 16
Key points: 1. express your favourite
2. Some useful expressions
3. Plural Forms of Nouns
Difficult points: how to express your favourite
How to express some liquid things
Teaching aids: word cards of different food, flash cards, audiotape, and slide projector
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Warming up
1) Greetings in everyday English.
2) Duty report (about weather, your classmates, your teacher and so on)
3) Mainly revision of last lesson
2. New lesson
Step1 Lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Do you like to eat lunch on the train or bus?
What do you like to eat when you travel?
Let the students learn to express themselves freely.



亲爱的朋友您好啊,2012中级经济师成绩查询貌似已经开始了吧,不过不是每个地区的考试成绩都能查询了呢,大概就是这几天都会出来了吧,你可以到 上面去看看呀,上面有很多考生成绩查

2021-07-01 08:45


全国经济专业技术资格考试合格标准均为84分(各科满分均为140分): 专业名称 专业代码 专业科目名称 工商管理 01 工商管理专业知识与实务 农业 02 农业经济专业知识与

2021-06-14 00:59


1、农业系列中级专业技术资格包括农艺师、畜牧师、兽医师、水产工程师、林业工程师、农机工程师、水利工程师等专业技术资格。   2、目前,农业系列中级专业技术资格获得的

2021-06-09 11:35


理论上是的,但实际不是这样的。另外经济师是要考试的。 当然前提你的单位工作有和你想报考的专业一样(或自己另找一家愿意给你出证明的单位),这样就可以叫你的单位出份你已经从

2021-05-30 08:17



2021-05-29 13:08


江苏经济师考试报考条件 报考经济专业技术资格考试者应热爱社会主义祖国,遵纪守法,遵守社会公德,同时应具备下列条件之一: (一)报名参加初级资格考试的人员,必须具备高中

2021-05-29 12:46
