

更新时间:2022-06-12 17:07:39作者:admin2

Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?

Teaching goals:
1. 学会用by短语表达学习方法。
2. Vocabulary: flashcard , take notes ,frustrating ,memorize ,aloud ,comma ,make mistakes ,pronunciation ,be afraid of ,Why don’t you … ?
3. Pattern: How do you study for a test ?
Well .I study by working with my classmates .
Have you ever studied with a group ?
Yes , I have .I’ve learned a lot that way .
Important and difficult points :
1. Functions: Talk about how to study .
2. Structures: Verb + by with gerund .
Teaching aids: tape and tape recorder, some flashcards .

Period 1

Teaching contents :SectionA 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Leading in
1. Greetings .
2. Ask some students about their summer holiday
Step 2 Pre-task
SB Page 2, 1a .
1. Ask several students to tell you how they study for a test .Write their answers on the blackboard .
2. Call some volunteers to read the phrases on Page 2 .Explain something about the structures “verb + by with gerund ”.
3. Read the phrases ,students repeat .
Step 3 While-task
SB Page 2, 1b .
Read the instructions to the students and make sure students know what to do .Then play recording and check the answers .
SB Page 2 , 1c .
1. First students work in pairs to talk about the picture .
2. Then ask several pairs to present their dialogues .
SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .
1. Read the instructions to students and ask some volunteers to read after you if necessary .
2. Play the recording ,students finish the work .Check the answers .
3. Ask some students to read the questions and answers in pairs .
Step 4 Post-task
1. In pairs ,students talk about how to study for several minutes .
2. Ask some students how they study individually .
3. SB Page 3 , 2c .Get students work in pairs .Ask a few pairs to present their conversations .
Step 5 Grammar Focus
Read the questions and answers in the grammar box .Students repeat .Explain something about them if it is necessary .
Step 6 Homework
1. I study English (看英语杂志).
2. I study English (记流行歌曲歌词).
3. I study English (加入英语俱乐部).
4. you , learn , by , do , English , aloud , reading
5. can’t , new , words , lots of , I , memorize .

Period 2

Teaching contents: Section A 3a , 3b , 4 , Section B 1a , 1b , 1c , 2a , 2b ,2c .
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Revision
Ask some students how they study English ,get them to answer individually .
Step 2 Reading
SB Page 4 , 3a .
1. First ,ask one volunteer to read the article aloud to the class .
2. Have students read through the passage one or two times and complete the chart on their own .
3. Correct the answers .
Step 3 Pairwork
SB Page 4 , 3b .
1. Read the instructions to the class and ask a pair of students to practice the sample conversation .
2. Then in pairs ,have students make their own conversation according to activity 3a .
3. Ask some pairs to present their conversations .
SB Page 4 , Part 4 .
1. Ask students to check what they do to learn English in the chart .Then get them to work in pairs to interview their partner .
2. Call some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class .
Step 4 Practice
SB Page 5 , 1a & 1b .
1. Ask one student to read the sentences to the class .
2. Then have students check the statements which are true for them and ask them to add some other different things .
3. Ask several students to write their lists on the blackboard and discuss them with the whole class .
Step 5 Listening
SB Page 5 , 2a & 2b .
1. Ask two students to read the challenges and solutions .If necessary ,have students repeat after you .
2. Play the recording two or three times ,let students listen and finish the work .
3. Ask one student to have his/her answers with the class .
4. Correct the answers .
Step 6 Pairwork
SB Page 5 , 2c .
In pairs ,students role play conversations using the information from activity 2a and 2b .Then ask some pairs to present their dialogue to the class .
Step 7 Homework
Write an article to introduce how you study English .

Period 3

Teaching contents: Section B 3a, 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck .
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Revision
1. Greetings .
2. Check the homework .
Step 2 Reading
SB Page 6 , 3a .
1. Read the instructions and make sure students know what to do .
2. Give students several minutes to read the article and finish the task .
3. After students finished ,ask one student to write his/her answers on the blackboard.
4. Correct the answers .
5. Ask one volunteer to read the article aloud to the class ,offer assistance if necessary .
Step 3 Writing
SB Page 6 , 3b .
First ,have students finish the letter on their own ,while they are working ,walk around and give them some help .Then ask two students to read their letter aloud to the class .Finally answer some questions the students may have .
Step 4 Interview
SB Page 6 ,Part 4 .
1. Read the instructions and explain how to finish this task .
2. Divide the class into groups of four. In each group ,each student takes turn interviewing the other students and take notes .
3. Ask some groups to tell the class about their answers .
Step 5 Self-check
SB Page 7 , Part 1 .
1. Students finish it on their own first ,then check the answers with the whole class .
2. Ask some students to make their own sentences with these words orally .
SB Page 7 , Part 2 .
1. First ,read the instructions and explain something in the notes .
2. Ask students to write an article .
3. Ask someone to read his article to the class .
Step 6 Homework
SB Page 6 , 3c .Have students finish the article as their homework .

Period 4

Teaching contents : Reading: How do you deal with our problems ?
Teaching procedures :
Step 1 Leading in
Ask students to thing of some reading strategies they have learned before, and write down them on the blackboard .
Step 2 Pre-task
SB Page 8 , Section 1 .
1. Let students think of some problems they have had recently. Then in pairs, tell their partner how they dealt with them .
2. In pairs, get students to look up the words in activity 1b .
Step 3 While-task
SB Page 8 , Section 2 .
1. Explain something about the learning strategy .
2. Let the students scan the passage for main idea .
3. Explain some phrases:
deal with try one’s best to do sth
be angry with It’s our duty to do sth
complain about compare … to …
change … into … think about
Let’s not worry about our problems, let’s face the challenges instead.
4. Let students read the passage again ,this time read carefully .
5. Ask some comprehension questions about the passage .
Step 4 Post-task
SB Page 9, Section 3 .
1. 3a .Students finish it first ,then check the answers with the whole class .
2. 3b.Help students to finish the work .
3. 3c.First let students do it on their own ,then check the answers .
Step 5 Homework
SB Page 9, Section 4 .
1. First discuss it with the whole class ,then get the students to write a short passage about the ways of dealing with problems .
2. Have them write it on their exercise books .



亲爱的朋友您好啊,2012中级经济师成绩查询貌似已经开始了吧,不过不是每个地区的考试成绩都能查询了呢,大概就是这几天都会出来了吧,你可以到 上面去看看呀,上面有很多考生成绩查

2021-07-01 08:45


全国经济专业技术资格考试合格标准均为84分(各科满分均为140分): 专业名称 专业代码 专业科目名称 工商管理 01 工商管理专业知识与实务 农业 02 农业经济专业知识与

2021-06-14 00:59


1、农业系列中级专业技术资格包括农艺师、畜牧师、兽医师、水产工程师、林业工程师、农机工程师、水利工程师等专业技术资格。   2、目前,农业系列中级专业技术资格获得的

2021-06-09 11:35


理论上是的,但实际不是这样的。另外经济师是要考试的。 当然前提你的单位工作有和你想报考的专业一样(或自己另找一家愿意给你出证明的单位),这样就可以叫你的单位出份你已经从

2021-05-30 08:17



2021-05-29 13:08


江苏经济师考试报考条件 报考经济专业技术资格考试者应热爱社会主义祖国,遵纪守法,遵守社会公德,同时应具备下列条件之一: (一)报名参加初级资格考试的人员,必须具备高中

2021-05-29 12:46
