欢迎您访问根据以下内容写一封感谢信 谢谢了!

根据以下内容写一封感谢信 谢谢了

更新时间:2022-06-05 18:11:41作者:admin2

10-123 ½ Rue Beaudry,

Montreal QC H3Z 2Y7,


2nd June 2010    (注意: 地址与日期都放在最右边)


Dear Mr. David Hwang,

Initially, I would like to thank you for everything you have done to me. Although it is considered a short period of being in China for 7 days, your hospitality and kindness has deeply impressed me.

I would like to thank you especially when you offered me to have dinner at your house where your wife Sandy had specially prepared the Sichuan cuisine for me. I would never forget the taste of the spicy and hot flavors which is the most delicious food that I had ever had in China before. I was touched that you remembered what I had said. I had just mentioned once in front of you that I was fond of spicy food, but it was really kind of you to make arrangement and take me to your house for having the food on the next day. Besides, I would like to thank you for spending your precious time with me in introducing so many famous and interesting places in China to me.

I really appreciate for your kindness. I am looking forward for you and Sandy to visit me in Canada. Hope to see you soon.

Best Regards,


P.S. My phone number is XXXX XXXXXX. Please keep in contact.


第二篇感觉上比较会是formal letter (包括了生意上的来往与付款)。



初级会计考试报名网站为:中国财政部官网-会计报名入口 初级会计考试登陆财政部官网,在下设的考试办理中选择“初级会计考试”即可报考,此页面为限制开放,只在初级会计考试报名

2021-04-20 18:09


初级会计自学的话可以买专业相关的书籍,也可以买一些辅导用书,以及视频课堂辅助。具体如下: 1、必备教材: 首先初级会计职称的教材有两本:《初级会计实务》和《经济法基础》,该教

2021-04-20 17:08


学历方面符合要求,但还需要有一定时间的工作经验,本科学历需要4年的工作经验。 具体条件如下: (一)基本条件 报名参加中高级资格考试的人员,应具备下列基本条件: 1.坚持原则,具备良

2021-04-20 13:56


您好,2018年的中级会计职称考试报考条件还未公布,可以参考2017年的中级会计职称报考条件: (1)取得大学专科学历,从事会计工作满5年; (2)取得大学本科学历,从事会计工作满4年; (3)

2021-04-20 13:37


以下信息由星蓝海学习网提供。 2020年度初级资格考试具体时间等有关事项公告如下: 一、2020年度全国初级资格考试于2020年5月9日至13日,5月16日至17日,分两个阶段进行。考试具

2021-04-20 13:26


考生可以在规定时间内,通过官方入口“全国会计资格评价网” 或地区考试管理机构指定网站打印初级会计职称考试准考证。 进入页面后,考生在确定信息显示为【初级】后,按照初

2021-04-20 13:10
