欢迎您访问Does It Mean That The IELTS Test Will Resume In June? Don't Panic If You Don't Take The Te!

Does It Mean That The IELTS Test Will Resume In June? Don't Panic If You Don't Take The Te

更新时间:2022-01-14 21:40:49作者:佚名


How popular is business in Hong Kong? no one knows. However, the data shows that the acceptance rate of HKU Business School is basically only 5-10%. To stand out among many applicants, language scores have become a hard reference indicator.

The HKU Business School’s minimum language score requirement for applicants is IELTS 7 (with a subscore of 6.5) or TOEFL 90.

Although the language requirements of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School are IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 79, and the language score requirements of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are IELTS 6 (minimum 5.5) or TOEFL 80, please do not think that as long as you take this score, you can be accepted. Admission, according to the data of the past two years, students who got the offer IELTS 7, TOEFL 100 are basically standard.


Media majors are also popular majors to apply for, and the requirements for English are also very high, especially journalism majors. For example, the journalism major of the University of Hong Kong requires applicants to achieve at least IELTS 7 (minimum score 6) or TOEFL 95.



雅思和托福没有限制条件,只要想考,报名交钱然后准备就行。 不过未满18岁未成年考生在报名雅思考试时,需要其监护人协助完成监护人条款确认及未成年人保护声明。 扩展资料 雅

2021-04-20 18:31


除2020年疫情原因推迟到下半年外,往年一般都是春季招考,每年一次,3月报名,4月考试,届时留意上海职业能力考试院官网即可。 流程: 阅读招考公告——报名——资格审查——笔试——资

2021-04-20 17:20


1.雅思重考可以随时开始 雅思重考早在2006年就取消报名时间限制,大家不需再担心这个问题。并且,从2010年9月开始,雅思考试中心还允许考生同时报名参加两场考试,如对此有需要的

2021-04-20 17:05


1.雅思重考可以随时开始 雅思重考早在2006年就取消报名时间限制,大家不需再担心这个问题。并且,从2010年9月开始,雅思考试中心还允许考生同时报名参加两场考试,如对此有需要的

2021-04-20 07:12


其实没有规定什么时候报名的。 每次考试的截止报名日期是在考试前的两个星期。 但是,有可能发生报名满员的情况。 所以我建议。你最好在二月份的时候上雅思官网查询考试日期

2021-04-20 06:13


根据国内大多数学校放假安排显示,普通中小学生从7月5日开始放假,高中生从7月15日开始放假。 具体放假时间安排如下: 1、第一学期: 学校将于2020年9月1日(星期二)开始; 该学期的工作

2021-04-19 17:30
