更新时间:2022-12-10 13:05:36作者:admin2
这个组合看起来很儿戏。我更愿意相信这只是几个女孩子怀着明星梦想要尝试一下的游戏love wings,然后请了几位还有这样的泡泡梦想的有童心却不大负责的大人帮了忙,或是自己做了这些公关文案开了微博拍了照片。 就想有些小孩子想要当作家,就拉着几个好朋友一起写故事,期待有一天能够出书一举成名;有些想要当画家就和同学一起画画,期待能开一个画展什么的。 有些人真的就成功了,他们有足够的资本去实现梦想,他们真的有文采,有灵感,会创作等等。有些人的梦想如烟轻轻散去,没有成功,也不算失败,这至少算一次经历,能作为一场青涩的回忆。 梦想总是要有的,万一实现了呢?
The Wings of Love (爱的翅膀)
In a country far away from home,
You walk and walk in steady steps.
We know how much you have give,
And happiness is just around the corner.
In a land in distance,
Even falling down, you never give up.
We are always there to guard your dreams,
Forever blessing from the bottom of our heart!
The love of us is the wings of love,
Giving you the power to fly through the storms.
The smile of you is the believe of us,
Sharing all your joys and sorrows.
The love of us is the wings of love,
Giving you the power to fly through the storms.
The happiness of you is the hope of us,
Together building a paradise for you and us.
There’s a long way in front of you.
Let’s take your dream and try,
Heading to the glory,
With all our strength, fly!
Repeat (2)(3) (4) (3)