

更新时间:2022-06-26 11:54:31作者:admin2

At the Olympic Winter Games, curling consists of two events: a women’s tournament and a men’s tournament. Each tournament starts with 10 curling teams. Two teams play against each other at a time. The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 19.1-kilogram stones towards a series of concentric rings or circles. The object is to get the stones as close to the centre of the rings as possible.
One game consists of 10 “ends” (similar to innings in baseball). During each end, each four-person team “throws” (in fact, slides along the ice) eight stones — two stones per person and 16 altogether. Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stone’s direction, known as its “curl,” and the stone’s speed. The team with the most points — more stones closer to the centre of the rings — at the conclusion of 10 ends, is the winner.



2021执业药师报考时间还未出来,历年执业药师考试时间均设在10月,预计2021年全国统考时间在10月中下旬。 根据《制度规定》第九条,凡中华人民共和国公民和获准在我国境内就业的

2021-04-16 09:19


凡中华人民共和国公民和获准在我国境内就业的其他国籍的人员具备以下条件之一者,均可报名参加执业药师资格考试。 1、取得药学、中药学或相关专业中专学历,从事药学或中药学专

2021-04-16 09:12


药师资格证一年考一次,执业药师资格考试日期定为每年10月,报名时间定为每年3月。 根据《执业药师资格考试实施办法》第二条执业药师资格考试日期定为每年10月,报名时间定为每年

2021-04-16 04:56


执业药师考试报名方式: 执业药师考试报名采取全国统一的网上报名平台,在规定的时间内考生登录当地人事考试网或者中国人事考试网报名。 执业药师考试报名有哪些步骤? ①网上

2021-04-16 04:50


执业药师考试报名方式: 执业药师考试报名采取全国统一的网上报名平台,在规定的时间内考生登录当地人事考试网或者中国人事考试网报名。 执业药师考试报名有哪些步骤? ①网上

2021-04-16 04:50

药师的报考地点在哪里?如何报名如题 谢谢了

药师的报考地点,请查阅省药监局,或者是省人事管理处,他们会在官网上进行公布,并公布报考的网络入口,以及现场报名审核的地址,全在这两个网站上公布。 执业药师考试报名条件:   1

2021-04-16 04:27
