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Let's Talk About The Study Abroad Life In Various Regions Of The United States, And See Which O

更新时间:2022-01-14 10:13:47作者:佚名

3. American Midwest

The Midwest of the United States occupies a very large area on the territory of the United States. Naturally, there are many elite universities here, but each is relatively scattered. Moreover, the Midwest of the United States lacks metropolises like New York and Los Angeles. The more famous city here is Chicago.

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States, the second largest commercial center, the largest futures center, and one of the most important financial centers in the world, so it will be a good candidate for every financial and legal student. But security has been poor in recent years, so many students prefer to apply to Northwestern University, which is relatively safe in the small town of Evanston.

As a whole, the central part of the United States is vast and sparsely populated, which is suitable for studying with peace of mind. There are not many entertainment programs here, and there are not too many distractions.

Studying in the United States

4. South

The southern part of the United States is also a vast area to study in the United States . Influenced by the special cultural and historical background, the southern culture is undoubtedly the most distinctive.


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