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What Are The Employment Prospects Of Foreign Finance Majors, And What Kind Of People Are Suitable Fo

更新时间:2022-01-16 14:21:51作者:佚名

The first is the white paper on the evaluation index of mathematics study abroad intermediaries that deal with people. The financial industry is essentially a service industry, and dealing with people’s relationships is the biggest art in this industry, and it is also the key to making things successful; second, rigorous logical analysis ability , which helps to formulate clear ideas and formulate correct mathematics in a complex market environment, which is also the key point in the application process of Chinese majors; finally, decision-making ability and efficiency are also the mathematics that make financial people outstanding An essential competency in mathematics for finance majors.

After a comprehensive evaluation of oneself, they will face specific application problems, mainly three major issues: professional direction, country selection, and school selection.

Regarding the choice of majors, Kai Tak Group suggests that applicants can start from the introduction of majors, curriculum mathematics and language, and comprehensively consider their own actual conditions. A detailed introduction is available for readers to refer to. In addition, the mathematics applicants who apply for mathematics and finance graduate students come from different majors, and the requirements for transferring majors vary greatly from country to country. For example, in the United States, mathematics interprofessional language has at least minored in mathematics courses, while mathematics in Chinese language countries requires applicants to have relevant jobs and internships. Therefore, mathematics If you want to switch to a professional language, you need to evaluate the specific situation of different countries and your own needs in mathematics, and you should not blindly follow the trend.


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