armin 基本解释
n. 阿明,乙基磷酸对硝基苯乙酯(缩瞳及治青光眼药)
armin 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- With more leverage mittelstand firms could boost their pre-tax profit by several points , notes armin schmiedeberg of bain , a consultancy .
- 贝恩咨询公司的arminschmiedeberg指出,中小型企业可以凭借更多的债务杠杆来将税前盈利提高几个百分点。
- " We look at climate change as an image issue , " said armin meier , chief executive of kuoni travel , the luxury tour operator .
- 豪华游运营商瑞士旅业(kuonitravel)的首席执行官阿明迈耶(arminmeier)表示:“我们将气候变化视为一个形象问题。”
- Former liverpool defender markus babbel has been appointed stuttgart team manager after the german club sacked title-winning coach armin veh .
- 斯图加特在解雇了冠军教头阿尔明费之后任命前红军后卫马库斯巴贝尔为新任主帅。
- Men who have more of the hormone seem to lie less frequently than those who have lower levels , according to professor dr. armin falk , from the university of bonn , and colleagues .
- 根据波恩大学教授arminfalk和他同事的研究,雄性激素多的男性比激素少的男性撒谎的频率更低。
- When armin bruck , managing director of siemens in india , set out to convince the board of the german engineering company of the potential of indian innovation , he gave them the keys to a tata nano .
- 当西门子(siemens)印度公司董事总经理阿尔明布吕克(arminbruck)试图让这家德国工程公司的董事会相信印度的创新潜力时,他交给了他们一辆塔塔(tata)nano的车钥匙。