break through
英[未编] 美[breɪk θruː]
phr. 重大进展,突破
break through基本解释
v. 突围,突破;猛涨;攻破
break through的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The renminbi is about to break through the rmb 7.80 level .
- 人民币汇率即将突破1美元兑7.80元人民币的水平。
- To break through apple will have to strike landmark deals with media companies .
- 为了取得突破,苹果必须与媒体公司达成具有里程碑意义的交易。
- My experience is that companies generally take from five to 10 years to break through .
- 我个人的经验是,企业通常要用5到10年的时间才能实现突破。
- If you have been avoiding the decision making process why not break through that barrier right here and now ?
- 如果一直以来你总是想要避开做决策的过程,那为何不此时此刻就突破这个障碍呢?
- Being first is expensive -- there 's an entire educational curve to fund particularly with new products -- and it can take quite a bit of time to break through .
- 做第一的代价是高昂的你将有一个庞大而漫长的学习过程要投资,尤其是新产品而且你要很长时间才能有所突破。
- As they drink they complain about their lives and children and we see how alcohol helps them break through the resolutely positive japanese public face .
- 他们一边喝酒,一边抱怨生活,抱怨孩子,这样我们便看到酒精是如何帮助他们冲破日本人坚定正面的公众面具。
- Protesters attempt to break through police lines outside the bella centre copenhagen where the un climate summit was taking place in december 2009 .
- 示威者在2009年12月举行的联合国哥本哈根世界气候大会的会场外企图冲破警察的防线。
- Protesters some wearing bandannas to cover their face threw rocks at soldiers and tried to break through one of the fences surrounding the runway .
- 抗议者有人用大手帕遮住了脸,向士兵投掷石块,并试图冲破跑道周围的一道栅栏。
- Like the neoliberals the neo-environmentalists are attempting to break through the lines of an old orthodoxy which is visibly exhausted and confused .
- 和新自由主义类似,新环保主义者试图冲破旧的正统观念中混乱而无用的条条框框。
- It is unclear how the violence broke out : some of the protestors including mr udaltsov may have tried to break through a police cordon designed to stop marches approaching the kremlin .
- 还不清楚暴力发生的原因:可能是包括乌达利佐夫在内的一些抗议者试图冲破靠近克里姆林宫警戒线。
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