atr 基本解释
abbr. audiotape recorder 磁带录音机;antitransmit-receive 反收发;advanced test reactor 高级测试反应堆;air transport rating 航空运输等级
atr 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Atr spoken language translation research laboratories : graduate school of engineering , doshisha university .
- atr音声言语通信研究所:同志社大学大学院工学研究科。
- So this paper does certain researches on ommateum and some atr techniques are proposed in this paper .
- 基于这一点,本文在对复眼的研究及讨论的基础上,提出了一些自动目标识别的技术。
- Besides 100 % safe , you will feel that you atr in the first rand among the world 's trend .
- 除了100%安全感,更让您身感融会到世界潮流的最前列。
- Instead of building a model of the visual system , atr feeds fmri scans into a computer , which " learns " how to associate changes in brain activity with different images .
- atr没有建造一个视觉系统模型,而是将机能磁性共振成像输入到了电脑中,让电脑来“研究”如何将不同的图片与大脑活动联系起来。
- He and the atr put fierce pressure on politicians at every level of government to sign the " taxpayer protection pledge " , a promise to oppose any increase in the marginal tax rate on individuals and firms .
- 他和atr对每一级的政府官员都施加了巨大压力让他们签署“保护纳税人承诺书”,承诺反对个税和公司税边际税率的任何增加。