autobahn 基本解释
autobahn 变化形式
复数: autobahnen
autobahn 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Driving a porsche 911 at 148 mph on the autobahn ......
- 驾驶保时捷911在高速公路上以时速148英里飞驰……
- In the land of the autobahn , love for cars and the firms that build them knows no bounds .
- 在高速公路上,对汽车和汽车公司的热爱是无限的。
- It seems that neither television , nor the autobahn , nor even the kaiser , has created a single country in germany .
- 看起来,电视,高速公路甚至是凯撒大帝都没能在德国内创造一个统一的国家。
- An s-class mercedes with all the extras can already be left largely alone to make its way along a moderately busy and fairly straight autobahn .
- 一辆配备齐全的s-class梅赛德斯已经可以在适度繁忙和相对笔直的高速公路上自行其路了。
- The tanker crashed through the guardrail and fell 90 feet off the a4 autobahn resulting in a huge explosion and fire which destroyed the load-bearing ability of the bridge .
- 油罐车撞毁防护栏,从90英尺高坠落到a4高速公路上,引起剧烈爆炸,大火毁坏了大桥的负载能力。