bumbler 基本解释
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- Lula 's critics indict him as a lucky bumbler who may have kept brazil out of trouble but has done nothing to improve its prospects .
- 卢拉的批评者认为他是人笨架不住运气好,他没给巴西带来麻烦,但也没什么作为。
- The country appears to agree on one thing : mr ma is an ineffectual bumbler .
- 全岛上下似乎已经达成共识:马先生有心乏力,成事无多。
- Russians remember boris yeltsin not as the hero who freed them from communism , but as the bumbler who presided over the free fall of their economy and failed to pay their pensions .
- 俄罗斯人记忆中的叶利钦,并不是把他们从共产主义中解放出来的英雄,而是一个在担任总统期间俄罗斯经济自由落体、无法向他们支付退休金的蠢蛋。