英[ˌbæləˈriːnə] 美[ˌbælə'riːnə]
n. 芭蕾舞女演员
ballerina 基本解释
【发音释义】:[bælə'riːnə] n. 芭蕾舞女演员,芭蕾舞女【结构分析】: ballerina = balle (舞蹈、芭蕾)+ rina (女孩)→跳芭蕾舞的女孩→芭蕾舞女
ballerina 变化形式
复数: ballerinas ballerine
ballerina 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Under the skin , a ballerina might have the heart of a boxer .
- 在皮肤之下,一个芭蕾舞演员可能有一颗拳击者的心。
- If you are not fortunate enough to find a dancer to work with , simply tell your subject that she should think like a ballerina and hold her hands elegantly .
- 如果你找不到一个舞者合作的话,你可以简单的告诉她,让她把自己想象为一个芭蕾舞演员,并且让她的手保持优美的姿势。
- " We wanted stylish clothes in which we could work and play all day , taking us from the court to lunch to picking up our children , but we couldn 't find anything suitable , " says griswold , a former ballerina .
- “我们原希望时装能同时满足工作与娱乐之需要,让我们从球场直接去餐馆吃午餐,再去学校接孩子,但市场上这种服装难觅踪影,”格里斯沃尔德说,她以前是位芭蕾舞演员。
- During a weekend when their 6-year-old daughter was staying with mr. sibley , ms. brownell got a text from her ex saying a children 's parade in town was starting soon , and the little girl wanted to dress up as either a dinosaur or a ballerina .
- 一个周末,他们6岁的女儿正待在西布利家里,布劳内尔收到了前夫发来的一条短信,说城里有个儿童游行马上开始,他们的小女儿希望打扮成一只恐龙或是芭蕾舞演员去参加游行。
- In this captured moment , out of the limelight , the ballerina is awash in shades of blue .
- 在那拍摄照片的时刻,不在众人注目的中心的芭蕾舞女演员充斥着蓝色的阴影。