cancel out
英[ˈkænsəl aut] 美[ˈkænsl aʊt]
phr. (使)平衡[抵消]
cancel out基本解释
1. 相互抵消
2. 抵偿
cancel out的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Here scaling up risks may cause them to cascade rather than cancel out .
- 在这种系统里,规模增大的风险可能会彼此累加而不是相互抵消。
- A shared account however shouldn 't cancel out individual accounts .
- 虽然如此,联合账户的存在不意味着要取消个人账户。
- For serious sleep loss even 10 hours in bed may be insufficient to cancel out the negative effects .
- 对于那些睡眠严重不足的人,睡上十个小时可能都无法消除这些副作用。
- But the learning curve rework and inevitable mistakes made with a totally new tool usually cancel out any benefit when you 're in the middle of a project .
- 但其中的因为使用新工具而产生的学习时间、重复劳动和不可避免的错误往往会抵消掉在项目中途更换工具的好处。
- Second since virtually all states are at it the programmes largely cancel out one another ; no state gets a lasting advantage .
- 第二,因为几乎所有的州都有这样的优惠政策,其效果相互大幅消解,没有哪个州能够长久受益。
- Because researchers in london have developed technology to cancel out the drill 's unpleasant high-pitched whine .
- 因为伦敦的研究人员已经开发了一种技术来抵消讨厌的牙钻高音哀鸣。
- Improved support to cancel out of credit card scenes during account sign-up .
- 改进建立帐号时取消信用卡界面的支持。
- These use microphones to detect patterns of ambient sound and create an anti-noise signal to cancel out those sounds .
- 这些使用麦克风来侦测环境声音模式,并创建一个“抗噪”的信号,取消了那些声音。
- Passenger offsets purport to cancel out carbon dioxide emissions ton for ton through investments in green projects .
- 乘客们的补偿支持通过投资在绿色项目上来抵消一吨吨的二氧化碳排放。
- Much of this mispricing of exports and imports should cancel out but probably not all .
- 大多数这种对出口和进口错误的定价行为应该抵消了,但是可能不是全部。
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