英[ˈkeimənz] 美[ˈkeɪmənz]
n. 卡曼 S(保时捷的一款跑车名)
caymans 基本解释
n. (中、南美洲所产的)鳄鱼( cayman的名词复数 )
caymans 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Caymans
caymans 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hermes bpk has made two trips to the caymans to lobby cima , and it has not been alone .
- 该公司曾两次来到开曼对开曼群岛金融管理局展开游说,它也不是唯一这样做的公司。
- The caymans have borne the brunt of attacks on offshore centres from angry us and eu politicians as they struggled to keep pace with fast-moving new global regulations .
- 在愤怒的美国和欧盟政界人士对离岸金融中心的抨击中,开曼群岛首当其冲,因为开曼群岛未能跟上快速变化的全球新监管格局。
- Enjoy the caymans , and don 't get too much sun .
- 祝你开曼玩得高兴,不过别晒得太黑了。
- A bank account in the caymans , credit cards .
- 开曼群岛的银行号码和信用卡。
- As the financial times exposed in 2011 , some individual directors in the caymans were each sitting on hundreds of boards , raising questions about their ability to perform their fiduciary duties .
- 正如英国《金融时报》在2011年揭露的那样,开曼一些个人董事都是在数百个董事会任职,这让人们对于他们是否有能力履行受托责任提出质疑。