black out
英[blæk aut] 美[blæk aʊt]
v. 灯火管制;熄灯;停止;中断
black out基本解释
v. 灯火管制;熄灯;停止;中断
1. 遮光
2. 晕倒
3. 停电
4. 撤光
5. 全黑事故
6. 熄灭灯火
7. 扑灭火焰
black out的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Tactics include what some call the black screen of death - a system which causes the screen of computers running unauthenticated software to black out every hour .
- 其中包括人称“死亡黑屏(blackscreenofdeath)”的方法该系统会导致运行未授权软件电脑的显示屏每小时黑一次屏。
- If we wanted to black out most of southern california .
- 如果想让南加利福利亚大部分地区停电。
- A lot of stores were robbed during the black out .
- 在停电中许多商店遭到抢劫。
- The famous black out in new york city in 1977 cause a lot of crime and loot .
- 1977年纽约有名地停电形成很多掳掠及其他立功。
- During the war people in the cities were forced to black out their windows so that the enemy aircraft could not see them .
- 战争期间城里的人们被要求关闭电灯不让光从窗户里透出来这样敌机才不会发现他们.
- That is one of the most serious accidents for a nuclear power plant and accordingly a plant black out receives a lot of attention when designing backup systems .
- 而这是核反应堆能够遇到的最严重的故障之一,因此,在设计核反应堆的备用系统时,“电站停电”是一种被高度关注的可能性。
- How did you black out ?
- 你是怎么晕过去的?
- Black out the stage at the end of a scene .
- 一场终了时熄灭舞台灯光。
- Did you black out last night ?
- 昨天晚上的事你都忘记了吗?
- The printer had better black out that word .
- 印刷人员最好用黑色把那个字盖上。
black out 相邻词汇