chee 基本解释
abbr. Chee-chee (Anglo—Indian dialect) (央格鲁——印度语方言)
chee 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A few weeks ago he was checking out his stream and saw a post from chee chew , an engineer in our kirkland office .
- 几周前,他在检查自己的信息流时,看到了一个cheechew发的帖子,chee是我们柯克兰分部的一名工程师。
- " Photos are a very important way to maintain richness in social relations , " says chuanyang chee , who helped weigend conduct the study .
- 帮助weigend进行此项研究的齐川阳(音译,chuanyangchee)说:“照片是一种重要的方法来保持广泛的社交关系。”
- For mr. chee the issue seemed to run just as deep .
- 对许先生而言,这件事看来要从长计议。
- Edwin chee , analyst at bmo capital markets , said in a report earlier this week that " producers are largely fully committed for the months ahead and this increases the likelihood of additional price increases as we progress into 2012 " .
- bmocapitalmarkets分析师edwinchee在本周早些时候的一份报告中表示:“未来数月,农业生产商基本上都将开足马力生产,这将加大2012年化肥价格继续上行的可能性。”
- Both local and foreign firms in these sectors will be able to develop and show off their products on the island before selling them elsewhere , explains goh chee kiong , who is in charge of the clean-energy cluster at singapore 's economic development board .
- 新加坡经济发展局负责清洁能源建筑群的gohcheekiong解释道,上述领域的新加坡当地企业与外企,在将其产品销往别处前,可在星岛上开发并展示其产品。