acad 基本解释
abbr. academic 学院的;理论的;academician 学会会员;academy 高等学府
acad 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The best-known movie awards are the acad * y awards .
- 最著名的电影奖是奥斯卡金像奖。
- Objective to investigate the academic journals indexed by 6 international index systems so as to provide scientific evidence for the development of acad emic journals .
- 目的研究我国科技期刊被6大国际检索系统收录情况,以期为我国科技期刊健康有序发展提供科学依据。
- Around the time of shakespeare france was just beginning to gear up to put together it 's language police force , the acad .
- 约莫在莎士比亚时期,法国就开始着手组建她的语言监察部队,法兰西学术院。
- So , in western acad emia it brought about a heated debate on the relationship between firm value and firm diversification .
- 由此,引发了西方理论界对多样化经营同企业价值间关系的大讨论。
- This article analyzes the present real estate major and its education system of china colleges , including the technical secondary school education , acad , the undergraduates education and the graduates education , and then tables some proposals from which the real estate major education of colleges could be beneficial .
- 文章在对中国高校房地产专业教育体系中专科教育、本科教育、研究生教育的现状进行分析后,提出了发展高校房地产专业教育体系的若干建议。