accuse of
英[əˈkjuz ɔv] 美[əˈkjuːz əv]
phr. 指责,控告
accuse of基本解释
1. 指控
2. 指责,控告
accuse of的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- For it will be not only men who will perish but also the animals whom no one can accuse of communism or anticommunism .
- 因为不驻人会被消灭,而且动物也会被消灭,没有人能指责它们是共产主义或反共产主义。
- Guy philippe a former soldier who led the rebellion against mr aristide and whom the americans accuse of drug-trafficking says he will run for the senate .
- guyphilippe曾当过兵,领导过反对aristide先生的叛乱,美国人指责他走私毒品,他说自己将竞选参议院议员。
- Even the salafis while able to mobilize hundreds for protests against people who they accuse of insulting their religion have yet to convene around a single political ideology or party .
- 即使是沙拉菲派-同时能够调动人们谁对他们的侮辱他们的宗教指责抗议数百-尚未召开围绕一个单一的政治意识形态或政党。
- In cairo as in alexandria protesters marched on presidential palaces determined to remove a leader they accuse of oppressing them .
- 在开罗和亚历山大,抗议者涌向总统官邸,决心要把这位领导人赶下台,他们指控穆巴拉克压迫人民。
- South korean authorities say they are overwhelmed by the number of chinese vessels particularly crabbers which they accuse of fishing illegally in their waters and a special economic zone in the yellow sea .
- 韩国官方表示,中国渔船(尤其是捕蟹船)的数量让他们应接不暇,他们指控这些渔船在韩国领海以及黄海的韩国专属经济区内非法捕捞。
- Those leaders have felt misunderstood - some would say betrayed - by the international community 's condemnation of last month 's ouster of mr. zelaya whom they accuse of illegally trying to change the constitution to extend his time
- 那些领袖们都感到误解---一些人会说被国际社会对上个月对塞拉亚先生的罢免的谴责而出卖了,他们指控塞拉亚试图改变宪法来延长他的执政时间。
- Article 63 any unit and individual are entitled to report accuse of and complain about the quality accidents and defects of construction projects to administrative authorities on construction and other departments concerned .
- 第六十三条任何单位和个人对建筑工程的质量事故、质量缺陷都有权向建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门进行检举、控告、投诉。
- Veronica . Exactly who do you accuse of doing this ?
- veronica,那这件事你到底是在控诉谁?
- He denied all accuse of him .
- 他否认了所有对他的指控。
- Accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy .
- 对错误或不足提出责备。
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