carry on
英[ˈkæri ɒn] 美[ˈkæri ɑːn]
phr. 经营;<非正>继续进行;争吵;吵闹非正>
carry on基本解释
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- If one engine fails the other can carry on .
- 如果一台引擎失灵,另一台还能够继续工作。
- Factories take time to build and can carry on cranking out widgets for years .
- 工厂需要花时间来建,而能够继续生产出产品又要好几年。
- When these managers go abroad they carry on bribing and undermine good governance in host countries .
- 当这些管理者们走出国门时,他们继续在东道主国家行贿、侵蚀良好的治理。
- You should be able to carry on a conversation while running and your breathing shouldn 't be heavy .
- 在跑步时你应该能够进行一段对话,并且你的呼吸不应该很重。
- Others will carry on the mission .
- 其他人会继承这个使命的。
- Unemployment in germany and elsewhere will begin to pick up quickly this year and carry on in 2010 .
- 德国以及其它地方的失业率会在今年开始快速上升并且在2010年继续。
- While he pursues talks with iran republicans fret iran 's leaders chuckle behind their beards and carry on enriching uranium .
- 共和党人不满地说,当他想与伊朗沟通时,伊朗领导人们在他们的胡子后面窃笑并进行铀浓缩活动。
- If one or both were to leave the scene it is not clear that enough momentum has been generated for reform to carry on .
- 如果他们中的任何一个离开了,那么这场选举能否产生出足够的势头将改革进行到底就不清楚了。
- If you carry on this way you will let everybody down and work yourself into rehab .
- 如果你继续这么下去,你将会辜负每个人,自己也得进康复中心。
- Airports and stockmarkets have been closed but there is an urgent desire to return to normality to carry on and not be cowed .
- 机场和股票交易市场被关闭,但是人们仍希望一切都回到正轨,去进行正常的生活而不是被恐吓。
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