acker 基本解释
acker 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Acker
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- Acker analysed the results of 17 attempted replications of the unconscious thought effect .
- acker分析了17个试图复制无意识思考效应实验的结果。
- Together with his wife , a painter named marjorie acker , phillips arranged and expanded the family collection .
- 菲利普和画家妻子马乔里艾克(marjorieacker)一起规划并扩展了他们的家庭收藏。
- Spectrum and acker both said it 's faster to send wine to online buyers than the winners of live sales because of easier logistics .
- spectrum和acker都说,由于便捷的物流条件,针对网上顾客的送货速度往往要快于针对现场拍卖会顾客的送货速度。
- Acker merrall & condit , the us 's oldest wine shop , and uk-based auction house bonhams , both said yesterday they would hold their first asian wine auctions in hong kong .
- 美国历史最悠久的葡萄酒行ackermerrall&condit和总部位于英国的宝龙拍卖行(bonhams)昨日均表示,它们将在香港举行其亚洲首次葡萄酒拍卖会。
- ' She should call an election straight away while the excitement , euphoria and the honeymoon period are still strong , ' said griffith university political analyst elizabeth van acker .
- 格里菲斯大学政治分析师阿克(elizabethvanacker)说,在人们的兴奋、极度愉悦和蜜月期仍很甜蜜的时候,吉拉德应该立即进行大选。