英[səˈlestiəl] 美[sə'lestʃl]
adj. 天上的,天空的
n. 神仙,天堂里的居民
celestial 基本解释
adj. 天的,天空的
n. 天人,神仙;(指封建时代的)中国人,天朝之人
celestial 变化形式
复数: celestials
celestial body n.天体
celestial sphere n.天球(一个想像假设的无限大球体)
celestial equator[天]天球赤道(等于equator,equinoctial,equinoctial circle,equinoctial line)
celestial navigation天文导航
celestial 天空的
来自拉丁词caelum, 天空,最终来自PIE*kaid,*skai, 照耀,明亮,词源同candle, shine.
celestial 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The celestial array of apostles prophets and saints with their intricate golden haloes combined with contrasting lapis lazuli and vermilion is still vibrant after six centuries .
- 天国里使徒、先知和圣人头顶的金色光环,对比强烈的天青色和朱红色颜料,历经六个世纪依然光辉夺目。
- Said in another way , at a latitude of 44 degrees any star will be circumpolar if it 's less than 44 degrees from the north celestial pole .
- 用另一种方式来说,在纬度为44度的地方,任何星星,只要低于天北极44度,都可以认为它是拱极星。
- In the middle ages , the sky was understood to be a celestial canopy above the fixed earth , and the sun and moon were imagined as moving in the heavens over our stationary platform .
- 在中世纪,人们认为天空是地球的天蓬,太阳和月亮是在天堂中围绕我们静止的地面运动。
- The celestial array of apostles , prophets and saints with their intricate golden haloes , combined with contrasting lapis lazuli and vermilion , is still vibrant after six centuries .
- 众使徒、先知和圣人头顶的金色光环,对比强烈的天青色和朱红色颜料,历经六个世纪依然光辉夺目。
- At least , he 's no more of a god than , say , superman , who also hailed from a remote celestial world populated by high-powered pseudo-humans .
- 至少,与其说他是神不如说是超人,同样来自遥远的由法力强大的类似人类构成的天外世界。