英['ædɪkwəsɪ] 美[ˈædɪkwəsi]
n. 足够;充分;胜任;适当
adequacy 基本解释
adequacy 变化形式
复数: adequacies
adequacy 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Fortunately , however , such high intakes are unnecessary for nutritional adequacy .
- 但幸运的是,就营养充分而言,如此高的摄入量是不必要的。
- However , the adequacy of the collateral of these new fed positions is unclear .
- 然而,美联储这些新发放贷款的担保是否充分,我们尚不清楚。
- The findings add a gender dimension to the intense debate among business school academics about the adequacy and effectiveness of management education .
- 商学院学者正围绕管理教育的充分性和有效性展开激烈讨论,这项研究为辩论增添了一个性别角度。
- The new developments also raise questions about the role played by the fbi and the adequacy of notification to administration and congressional leaders about the scandal .
- 事态新的发展还令人对fbi扮演的角色以及政府和国会领袖对这一丑闻充分知情与否提出了疑问。
- The gao is now working on another report , in which it will evaluate the adequacy of the care provided in homes bought by private equity .
- 美国政府问责办办公室现在正着手另一份报告,这一报告将会对私人公司所提供家庭护理充分程度进行评估。