英[t'ʃɔz] 美[tʃɔrz]
n. chore的复数;零星工作(尤指家常杂务)(chore的名词复数);零活儿
chores 基本解释
n. chore的复数;零星工作(尤指家常杂务)( chore的名词复数 );零活儿
chores 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Women 's preferences seemed to have no effect on the time they spent on chores .
- 妻子对家务的偏爱似乎不会影响其花在杂务上的时间。
- With those two qualifiers in mind , here are some general guidelines for personal and family chores .
- 记住这两点之后,我们就可以看下面的这些个人琐事和家庭杂务的总体的指导了。
- If cooking and cleaning seem like boring chores to you , try doing them as a form of meditation .
- 如果烹饪和清洁对你来说似乎烦琐的杂务,试着用冥想的方式来完成它们。
- There are numerous robot applications for doing personal chores , such as vacuuming carpets , ironing sheets or cutting grass .
- 用于做个人杂务如给地毯吸尘、熨床单或割草的机器人应用程序有很多。
- You 'll also have chores to complete that might not be fun or fulfilling , but which need to get done and so you 'll want to find ways to get these out of the way as quickly and efficiently as possible .
- 同时你还会有些无趣或者令人不快却又需要完成的杂务,因此你会想找到能摆脱这些杂务的又快又有效的方法。