英[ˌædəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 美[ˌædə'reɪʃn]
n. 崇拜;爱慕
adoration 基本解释
adoration 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Adoration
adoration 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Such adoration propels insidious product advertising .
- 这些崇拜推动了许多潜在产品的。
- His dark hair slightly ruffled and his eyes full of adoration as his looked at his bride to be .
- 他内心充满了对崇拜与爱慕看着未来的新娘。
- And we learned last week that adoration has its limits even among the closest of friends .
- 就是在上周,我们发现:即使是在最亲密的朋友中间,崇敬也是有其限度的。
- In the end , we all outlast the object of our adoration , perhaps because passion runs its course more swiftly than other human emotions , perhaps as a result of excessive familiarity with the object of desire .
- 我们大家最终都超越了宗教崇拜的对象,或许因为激情的涌动要比人类其他情感来的还要迅猛,或许是我们对所渴望的对象过于熟悉所致吧。
- Margo believes eve 's story of hard luck and adoration ; no actor has much trouble believing others would want to devote their lives to them .
- 玛戈相信伊娃的不幸遭遇和她对自己的崇拜;演员不用花费什么力气就会相信别人愿意全心全意拜倒在他们脚下。