Aimee 基本解释
Aimee 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- " People started screaming , ' justin ! ' And they ran forward and the ropes collapsed , " said 13-year-old aimee macchi .
- “人们开始尖叫‘justin!’并开始往前拥,栏绳都断了,”13岁的aimeemacchi说。
- In one beautiful sequence , anderson cuts between most of the major characters all simultaneously singing aimee mann 's " it 's not going to stop . "
- 在一组优美的镜头中,安德森在几个主要角色同时唱艾米曼恩(aimeemann)的《不会结束》(it'snotgoingtostop)时来回剪切。
- Aimee ballans says she watched newer teachers there make big leaps this past year when she could tie her coaching to the specific observation rubric that 's part of the new system . Related : are you a helicopter parent ? Take our quiz !
- 艾美白兰思老师(aimeeballans)注意到,去年在把自己的辅导与新评估体系的考察细则结合起来传递给新老师们之后,他们都取得了巨大进步。
- The body 's immune system responds quickly and in a specific way when exposed to a virus as opposed to bacteria , explained the study 's lead author , dr. aimee zaas , an infectious diseases specialist at duke university in durham , n.c.
- 美国北卡罗来纳州达勒姆杜克大学传染病专家,本研究的指导作者艾梅泽滋博士,解释道:当接触病毒而不是细菌,身体免疫系统快速并以特定方式应答。
- And remember anouk aimee her dark glasses concealing a black eye ; the practical commonsensical adriana moneta as the streetwalker ; alan dijon as the satanic ringleader at the nightclub ; and always mastroianni his eyes squinting against a headache or a deeper ache of the soul .
- 想想阿努克艾梅,她墨黑的眼镜掩盖住一个眼睛的瘀伤;理智明事理的adrianamoneta扮演的街头妓女;alandijon扮演夜总会里撒旦似的头目;还有一如既往的马斯楚安尼,他的眼睛总是因为头痛、或者灵魂的痛楚而眯缝着。