英[klɪ'nik] 美[kləˈnik]
n. 诊所,门诊部
clinique 基本解释
clinique 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Clinique
clinique 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Clinique gwp skincare & cosmetics lot - all new awesome .
- 倩碧护肤及化妆全球变暖潜值波兰-所有新真棒。
- Lee kynaston , grooming editor at men 's health magazine , said products such as clinique 's m cover stick , a concealer , had made men 's make-up a mainstream product .
- men'shealth杂志的化妆编辑leekynaston说,像clinique'smcover棒这样的产品,一支遮暇膏,成为了男士化妆品的主流产品。
- At one point in the series , sufei goes to the clinique beauty counter .
- 剧中的一个场景是苏菲去倩碧化妆品柜台。
- Clinique age decelerating night moisturizer 50ml new .
- 倩碧保湿年龄减速晚上50毫升新。
- Estee lauder has teamed up with sony to produce a 40-episode digital sitcom that began in december and includes product placements for clinique cosmetics and other products .
- 雅诗兰黛已经与索尼合作打造40集的数字电视幽默剧,于去年12月开拍,里面穿插如倩碧等其他品牌的化妆品。