Akita 基本解释
Akita 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This owner got her akita the same day as president vladimir putin received one as a present from the japanese government .
- 就在普京总统接受日本政府赠送的秋田犬的同一天,这位女主人也得到了她自己的小狗狗。
- Japanese public broadcaster nhk reported on sunday that japan 's air self-defense force had started to deploy units capable of shooting down a rocket to the northern prefectures of akita and iwate .
- 日本广播公司nhk周日报道,日本航空自卫队已经开始部署部队以击落进入日本北部秋田和岩手地区的火箭。
- The black kokanee , or " kunimasu " in japanese , was thought to have died out in 1940 , when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern akita prefecture more acidic .
- 黑科卡尼,日语又称“kunimasu”,在1940年就被认为已经灭绝,那时秋田县北部的一个水电项目使得那里的天然湖波水质酸化。
- Given the suicide rate 's close association with unemployment rates said professor yutaka motohashi from the department of public health akita university graduate school of medicine in japan " it seems likely that this negative socioeconomic background is associated with the suicide trend in japan . "
- 考虑到自杀率和失业率密切相关,日本秋田大学医学研究生院yutakamotohashi教授说,“在日本,似乎这种负面的社会经济背景与自杀趋势相关。”