close down
英[ˈkloʊz.daʊn] 美[ˈkloʊz daʊn]
v. 闭;关门;倒闭;歇业
close down基本解释
1. 停机
2. 倒闭
3. 关闭
4. 停办
5. 查封
6. 停播
7. 关张
8. 笼罩
9. 停止播音
10. 停歇
close down的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So why does mr sarkozy want to close down its non-french channels ?
- 那么,为什么萨克齐总统想要关闭其非官方语言频道?
- All but one of those reactors are due to close down by 2023 .
- 所有的反应堆除了一个以外其他的都计划在2023年之前关闭。
- In december plans were revealed to close down the shelter dwellings within a year .
- 12月,该计划终于发布,市政府打算用一年的时间关闭所有的棚户区。
- Other post offices round the country may close down completely .
- 而全国的其他邮局恐怕将彻底倒闭了.
- When they did leave it caused the local supermarket to close down .
- 当他们真走了之后,当地的超市也随即关门了。
- According to mr fujimoto 's models the last existing nuclear plant could close down in 2049 .
- 根据藤本提供的模式,最后一个现存核电站可于2049年关闭。
- But other industry executives and analysts said they expected hundreds of chinese fabless companies to close down over the next few years .
- 但其它业内高管和分析师们表示,他们预计在未来几年,中国将有数百家fabless公司倒闭。
- We have discovered that to close down financial giants we must bail out their creditors or risk a global recession .
- 我们已经发现,要让金融巨头倒闭,我们就必须为其债权人纾困,否则就要冒全球衰退的风险。
- In states that monitor them carefully and close down failing schools quickly they work best .
- 那些认真监督它们并迅速关闭失败院校的州,特许学校的运作最好。
- The merchants say they received no compensation for being forced to close down and had little warning .
- 商户们还说他们被强迫关店却没得到任何补偿,甚至没有什么事先警告。
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