英[əˌlivɪ'eɪʃn] 美[əˌliviˈeɪʃən]
n. 减轻;缓解;缓和;镇痛物
alleviation 基本解释
alleviation 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The country 's authorities see coal as a " poverty alleviation " tool to spread electricity across the country .
- 该国当局把煤炭看作一个“减轻赤贫”的工具,用以在全国普及电力供应。
- Yet economic theory has less to say about what happens when guilt alleviation is the private benefit of an impure public good .
- 然而,对于当罪恶感的减轻成为一个非纯粹公共货物的私人利益时发生的事,经济学并没什么发言权。
- But I bet more people go for massage looking for mental relief , as an antidote to stress , than for purely physical alleviation of pain .
- 但我敢打赌,更多的人去按摩,是为了找寻心智上的放松,并以此来抵消压力,而不是仅仅为了减轻身体上的疼痛。
- That correlation led dr flor to wonder if the alleviation of pain caused by the mirror treatment might be the result of a reversal of the neurological changes associated with telescoping .
- 这种关联让福罗博士想知道是不是镜像治疗减轻疼痛的原理就是逆转了“伸缩”所带来的神经学上的改变。
- Yet there are still good reasons to buy offsets , as guilt alleviation is not necessarily a bad thing and the offset market may promote greater environmental awareness .
- 但,购买补偿仍有很好的理由,正如减轻负罪感并不一定是件坏事,补偿市场可能会引发更广大的环境意识。