英[kəˈmendəbl] 美[kə'mendəbl]
adj. 值得赞扬的
adv. 值得赞扬地
commendable 基本解释
adj. 值得表扬的,值得称赞的;很好的;可推荐的
commendable 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It could be a sign of pettiness ; equally it could betray a commendable attention to detail .
- 这可能是琐碎的象征;但同样也可能反映出一种专注于细节的可贵品质。
- However , the pboc 's relentless ( and commendable ) tightening of monetary policy has contributed to soaring grey money market rates .
- 然而,中国人民银行(pboc)坚持不懈(且值得称赞)的货币政策收紧操作,却导致了灰色货币市场利率的飙升。
- In a commendable effort to help bridge this divide , the institute of south asian studies at the national university of singapore this month convened a workshop on the role of the press in india-china relations .
- 一种可贵的力量在帮助弥补这个鸿沟,新加坡国立大学的南亚研究所这个月召集了一个研究会,探讨媒体在印中关系中扮演的角色。
- That is commendable , but compounds the difficulty of assigning credit and blame for foreign policy . She says she has had no difficulty meeting the president on " anything , any time " .
- 值得称赞的是,承受着对外交政策的信任以及责备的困难的巨大压力,她说她可以在“任何时间,任何事情上”接受总统的召见。
- Terrorism could be commendable or reprehensible , he smoothly agreed , but this was " blessed terror " , in defence of islam .
- 恐怖主义可能是值得赞美的或者是应被谴责的,他平静地表示同意,然而这是捍卫伊斯兰教的“神圣恐怖”。
朗文小学英语(深港版)第一册书虫1级 难忘米兰达英语听力:告诉你一生必知的事英文寓言故事书虫1级 象人英语学习新锐空间08年2月