英[未编] 美[ˈkɑmˌpæk]
n. 美国COMPAQ电脑公司,美国康柏公司,世界著名的电脑生产厂家
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- Never mind the years of effort h-p spent -- including a controversial merger with compaq -- becoming the world 's largest pc maker .
- 别在意惠普成为世界最大pc生产商所做的多年努力,包括与康柏(compaq)公司的争议性合并。
- And while hewlett-packard still plans to sell the compaq airlife smart book , lenovo last month said it had shelved its plans to release the initial version of the skylight smart book .
- 此外,尽管惠普(hewlett-packard)仍计划出售compaqairlife智能本,但联想上月表示,已搁置推出首款skylight智能本的计划。
- Since then , h-p has repeatedly tried to remake itself with big acquisitions , including compaq .
- 自那以后,惠普公司曾多次试图通过重大收购(包括收购康柏)重塑自身。
- After leaving a key logistics job at compaq computer to join apple in 1998 , mr cook played a critical role behind the scenes in bringing the floundering company back from the brink .
- 1998年,库克辞去康柏(compaq)的关键后勤职位后加入苹果,之后他发挥了关键的幕后作用,将这家陷入困境的公司从悬崖边上拉了回来。
- A supply-chain specialist at compaq , mr cook closed apple 's struggling manufacturing facilities and outsourced production to improve quality .
- 曾是康柏供应链专家的库克关闭了苹果陷入困境的生产设施,并把生产外包出去以提高质量。
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