Arakan 基本解释
Arakan 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In sittwe , the capital of rakhine ( formerly arakan ) , rohingyas lead desperately poor lives .
- 在实兑,若开邦(以前叫阿拉干)的首府,罗辛亚族人绝望地过着贫穷的生活。
- The complexities of national identity are starkest in sittwe , the capital of rakhine ( formerly arakan ) state in western myanmar , bordering bangladesh .
- 这种国家认同感的复杂性在缅甸西部若开邦(以前叫阿拉干,与孟加拉接壤)的首府实兑表现得最突出了。
- Buddhists in rakhine often identify themselves as belonging " not myanmar , but the arakan kings " ( a reference to the ancient rakhine empire ) .
- 若开邦的佛教徒通常认为自己“不属于缅甸,而属于阿拉干王国”(对古代若开帝国的称呼)。
- They have also announced plans to build a 2400km ( 1500 mile ) oil-and-gas pipeline from arakan in western myanmar to china 's yunnan province .
- 中国公司还宣布计划建造一条长达2400公里的油气管道,这条管理将从位于缅西的阿拉干一直通到中国云南省
- Mrauk-u , a former capital of rakhine when it was the independent kingdom of arakan , is in better times a tourist centre .
- 若开邦曾是独立的阿瓦王国,妙乌则是当年的国都,在和平年代这里是一个旅游中心。