英[el'vaiərə] 美[ɛlˈvaɪrə]
n. 埃尔韦拉(f.)
Elvira 基本解释
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- One thing at a time , elvira .
- elvira,要一个时间内做一件事.
- Russian economy minister elvira nabiullina and eu trade commissioner karel de gucht signed a memorandum of understanding that sets the terms to resolve all eu-russia bilateral issues .
- 俄罗斯经济部长elviranabiullina和欧盟贸易专员kareldegucht签署了一项谅解备忘录,以解决欧盟与俄罗斯的双边问题。
- " We can , with caution , talk about some moderation of the pace of contraction , " said elvira nabiullina , economy minister .
- “我们可以谨慎地认为,经济萎缩步伐在放缓,”俄罗斯经济部长纳比乌林娜(elviranabiullina)表示。
- Though there were some ' concerning findings ' , project leader elvira poloczanska said there were some positives , with new research suggesting that certain tropical fish species were better equipped to adapt to warming than previously thought .
- 尽管有一些“令人担忧的发现”,项目负责人埃尔韦拉.泼洛克赞斯卡(elvirapoloczanska)说仍然有一些积极的方面,新的研究表明某些热带鱼类能比此前认为的更好地适应气候变暖。
- On the sidelines of a summit between russian president dmitry medvedev and the leaders of the 27-nation bloc , there was even a ceremony with eu trade commissioner karel de gucht and russia 's economic-development minister , elvira nabiullina , signing a memorandum of understanding .
- 在俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫(dmitrymedvedev)和欧盟领导人举行峰会的间隙,欧盟贸易专员德古赫特(kareldegucht)与俄罗斯经济部长纳比乌林娜(elviranabiullina)举行了签署谅解备忘录的仪式。