enda 基本解释
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- Enda kenny , ireland 's prime minister , has already lost one referendum on constitutional change .
- 爱尔兰的总理恩达肯尼(endakenny)曾经失掉了一个制宪改革的全民公决。
- That doesn 't mean there aren 't challenges for these small businesses and that 's where enda carey comes in .
- 这并不代表这些小生意就没有任何挑战,而这正是恩凯瑞(endacarey)加入的原因。
- After this it was no surprise that mr cowen lost february 's election to fine gael 's enda kenny .
- 经此一事,科恩在二月份的选举中败给统一党的恩达肯尼也就不足为奇。
- The taoiseach , or prime minister , enda kenny , left brussels in upbeat mood , insisting that eu leaders had given a clear reaffirmation of the june promise .
- 爱尔兰共和国总理,或者首相恩达-肯尼在离开布鲁塞尔时满心欢喜,他坚持认为,欧盟领导人对六月的承诺进行了再次清楚的重申。
- An honor guard prepares to welcome irish prime minister enda kenny at the great hall of the people in beijing . Kenny is on a three-day visit to china .
- 一位战士在人民大会堂准备迎接到访的爱尔兰总理endakenny,他将对中国进行为期三天的国事访问。