adj. 可避免的
evitable 基本解释
evitable 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Shanghai is a mega city with very limited resources and energies , and it is evitable to confront many cumbering factors toward the ecotype city .
- 上海是一个资源、能源都十分匮乏的特大型城市,在走生态型城市建设的道路上必然会遇到各种阻碍因素。
- The centralized treasury payment system is the main content in the reformation of public financial system , as well as an evitable trend in reforming the financial expenditure management in the institutions of higher learning .
- 国库集中支付制度是我国公共财政体制改革的重要内容,也是高等院校财政支出管理制度改革的必然趋势。
- Talents leasing business is the evitable outcome under this trend . It can help the society , the enterprises and the talent people to realize their mutual value and can make the social hr allocation become more flexible and efficient .
- 人才租赁业务正是这一趋势下的必然产物,它能更好的帮助社会、企业、人才实现价值共赢并实现社会人才配置的更加灵活和高效。
- However , not all the rights could be classified by law due to the variety of social life , which results in existing rights evitable that are not being defined and justified by law , but currently or in the future it should be done .
- 但由于社会生活的多元性,法律是无法将所有的权利类型化,这必然会存在一些没有被法律确认,而实际上法律又应当在目前或将来应确认的权利。
- The issue of intellectual property right is an evitable problem during digital library construction .
- 数字图书馆建设过程中,知识产权是无法回避的问题。