英[ɪkˈsplænətri] 美[ɪk'splænətɔːri]
adj. 解释性的,说明性的
explanatory 基本解释
explanatory 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Explanatory
explanatory 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This aspect of science which is explanatory and explicatory sometimes bears a distinct resemblance to philosophical analysis .
- 科学这一解释性和阐述性的特点有时候与哲学分析非常相像。
- Executives of apax , europe 's biggest buy-out group , met high-level officials from china 's public and private sector in what were described as " explanatory " talks .
- apax高管人士与中国公共和私营行业的高层管理人员举行了会晤,并把这称为“解释性”会谈。
- Both clips , with explanatory subtitles , can be seen on the telegraph website , along with a video interview with a lorry-driver who has begun supplying such material to a japanese news agency - using a false name , kim dong-cheol , to protect his identity .
- 所有片断都配有解释的字幕,在《每日电讯报》网站上都能看到,同时还有一个采访卡车司机的视频,这个人把这些材料递给一个日本新闻机构--当然为了保护自己,他用了一个假名字kimdong-cheol。
- No , because a lengthy and equally obscure follow-up explanatory statement sunday by the central bank made it clear that beijing still wants a ' basically stable ' currency and there will be no one-off revaluation .
- 不应该,因为央行周日发布的大篇幅、极其隐晦的后续解释性公告表明,北京仍然希望人民币保持基本稳定,不会进行一次性重估。