英[ˈhɒrɪs] 美[ˈhɔrəs]
n. 贺瑞斯
Horace 基本解释
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- Although he lived more than 2000 years ago horace seems to capture my dilemma with communicating in the internet age .
- 虽然贺拉斯生活在2000多年以前,他却似乎看到了我在当下网络时代面对的沟通困境。
- He was once told by his potions master horace slughorn that there is no spell that can create actual love .
- 他的药剂学老师贺拉斯曾经告诉他,没有一种咒语可以创造真爱。
- Horace dediu , who runs the consultancy asymco , having formerly worked for the mobile phone maker nokia , thinks the time is ripe for a new way of interacting with our computers .
- 经营consultancyasymco的贺拉斯德迪欧,曾在诺基亚工作,认为推出新一代电脑互动方式时机已经成熟。
- Horace fletcher , otherwise known as " the great masticator " , was emphatic about chewing each mouthful of food until it was liquid , and counted john d. rockefeller and franz kafka among his disciples .
- 贺拉斯弗莱彻被世人赞誉为“伟大的咀嚼者”,他强调要把每一口食物都咀嚼成液态,并且他把约翰戴维森洛克菲勒和弗兰兹卡夫卡收为徒弟。
- Apple proved this recently with iphone ; its millions of new verizon handsets in the us barely made a dent in its total sales , but wider global availability created what horace dedlu calls iphone 's " big bang . "
- 苹果最近以iphone证实了这一点;它在美国被威瑞森抢去的数百万手持设备市场,仅仅让它的总销售量稍有减少,但更广阔的全球供给创造了贺拉斯德鲁所称的iphone手机“大爆炸”。