look after
英[luk ˈɑftə] 美[lʊk ˈæftər]
phr. 照顾;照料;料理;打理
look after基本解释
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- But quitting work to look after the children can mean financial disaster .
- 但辞掉工作去照顾小孩却可能意味着财政灾难。
- Wsj : how do I look after my collection ?
- wsj:我要如何照看自己的藏品?
- So do you faithfully replicate the same work or do you unfaithfully let the garden look after itself ?
- 那么现在你是忠诚地做同样的照管工作呢,还是不忠诚地让花园自生自灭?
- People look after me here .
- 在这大家都照顾我。
- They look after themselves as well as their induction of new members .
- 会员们自己照顾自己,同时也引导新加入的成员。
- The bad reason is that governments should help citizens look after themselves .
- 不足的理由是:政府应该帮助市民们照顾好自己。
- But mr. wang is confident they 'll be able to look after themselves .
- 但是王先生有信心他们有能力在将来照顾他们自己。
- And experts say women will often become the main breadwinners with more men staying at home to look after children .
- 专家称女性将更多地成为家庭的主要经济支柱,同时会有更多男性待在家中照看小孩。
- His followers took the message to billboards and flyers . Some thoughtfully arranged for atheists to look after their pets .
- 其信徒将消息发到广告招贴板上,并到处发放传单,其中一些内容还体贴入微地考虑到了无神论者该如何照看宠物的问题。
- Core countries like germany and the netherlands have enough cash to look after their own banks but peripheral governments may need euro-zone money .
- 像德国、荷兰这些核心国家尚有充足的资金来照看自家的银行,但边缘政府可能就需要欧元区的资金支援了。
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