Kawasaki 基本解释
Kawasaki 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Monitoring coronary arterial lesions and cardiac function in kawasaki disease with echocardiogram .
- 超声心动图检测川崎病冠状动脉病变及心功能变化。
- Kawasaki , japan : commuters brave the rain and wind as they wait for transportation .
- 日本,川崎(kawasaki):乘车上下班的人们不畏风雨在等车。
- Why kawasaki 's can 't affect the elderly ?
- 为什么川畸氏病不会感染年长的人
- " Kawasaki shoes , " leading the world the climax of the footwear industry .
- “川鞋”吸引了世界制鞋业的关注。
- Kawasaki took dozens of csr engineers to japan for training . Some later helped set up the qingdao factory , which now churns out about 200 train sets a year .
- 川崎重工把中国南车的数十名工程师带到日本接受培训,其中部分工程师后来参与了四方机车的建立,目前这家工厂每年生产约200组列车。
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