keep out基本解释
1. 防治
2. 不让...进入
3. 不得入内
5. 抵御
6. 不许入内
7. 遮挡
8. 搪
9. 抵挡
10. 御
keep out的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- 9 / 12 Ths australian was using a scarf to help him keep out the red storm .
- 9/12这位澳大利亚人使用围巾来帮他遮挡红色沙尘暴。
- I thought I told youto keep out of my sight .
- 我想我说过不要让我看见你.
- They surrounded nesting areas with netting and electric fencing to keep out predators and set up speakers broadcasting the sounds of other animals .
- 他们把麻雀栖息区域用篱笆围起来,不让食肉动物进入,并且安装了扬声器播放其他动物的叫声。
- Those are standard rules devised to keep out criminals .
- 这些都是一些必不可少的规定,防止罪犯混进来。
- The physical training will often reduce your blood to keep out the target .
- 体育锻炼往往会降低你的血搪指标。
- For them writers and painters just had to write and paint and keep out of politics .
- 但对他们而言,作家和画家不过是写写画画的一类人,应当远离政治。
- And I keep out from theirs .
- 和我不断从他们的。
- But he could not keep out the cold at all .
- 但他一点也无法把寒气阻挡在外。
- He was careful to keep out of sight .
- 他小心翼翼地躲开别人的视线。
- That 's why there are dikes everywhere to keep out the sea water .
- 那也就是荷兰到处可见阻挡海水的堤防的原因了。
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