英['mævərɪks] 美[ˈmævərɪks]
n. 未烙印的牲畜(maverick的名词复数);标新立异的人,不合常规的人
mavericks 基本解释
n. 未烙印的牲畜( maverick的名词复数 );标新立异的人,不合常规的人
mavericks 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If you don 't like the mavericks , next tuesday , lakers .
- 如果你不喜欢小牛队,下周二,湖人队.
- Or the ones who were irreverent storytellers , enthusiasts , easily distracted mavericks ?
- 还是那些不受尊敬的故事讲述者、狂热分子以及容易分心的特立独行者?
- The mavericks were the first team in nba history to sign a chinese player , bringing on wang zhizhi in 2002 .
- 达拉斯小牛队是nba历史上首个签约中国球员的球队,2002年签下了王治郅。
- Long-time fans of precious metals often are mavericks who can be suspicious of mainstream securities firms , wary of financial catastrophe and reluctant to keep their money in the bank .
- 贵金属的长期追随者常常是对主流证券公司持怀疑态度的特立独行的人,他们担心金融灾难,不愿把钱存在银行。
- On september 19 , mark cuban , the billionaire owner of the dallas mavericks basketball team , wrote on his personal blog that people like himself ought to be paying more .
- 9月19日,篮球队达拉斯小牛队(dallasmavericks)的亿万富翁老板马克?库班(markcuban)在其个人博客中写道,像他这样的人应该多纳税。
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