Kwon 基本解释
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- According to reuters , the new ceo is kwon oh-hyun , a 27-year veteran of the korean electronics giant .
- 据路透社(Reuters)报道,已经在三星集团工作27年的权五铉将接替崔志成,成为三星新任CEO。
- Mr. kwon figures the latest slide will provide a boost to korea 's exporters and to the country 's tourism sector .
- kwon认为,韩圆最近的下滑将给韩国出口商和旅游业带来提振。
- ' It 's the korean way of normalizing the leverage situation , ' said goohoon kwon , a goldman sachs economist in seoul .
- 高盛(goldmansachs)驻首尔经济学家goohoonkwon说,这是韩国版的杠杆状况正常化之路。
- Now we add other styles of fighting , including boxing , judo , and tae kwon do .
- 如今我们加入了其他战斗方式,包括拳击、柔道和跆拳道。
- When , six years ago , the korean-american management consultant yul kwon won the 13th season of ' survivor , ' it must have been a social scientist 's dream come true .
- 六年前,韩裔管理咨询顾问权烈(yulkwon)赢得第13季“幸存者”(survivor)冠军时,那一定是社会学家梦圆之时。
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