menubar 基本解释
menubar 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Place on a menubar as a menu item .
- 作为一个菜单项放到菜单栏上。
- Drag onto the page and place on a menubar as a menu item .
- 拖到绘图页上,然后作为菜单项放到菜单栏上。
- If you have the habit of opening many applications / windows when doing your work , but don 't like to see your desktop and menubar cluttered with all the application windows , you can use this shortcut key to move your applications to another workspace and get your desktop organized .
- 如果你工作时常常打开很多窗口,但又不想看到桌面和任务栏挤满程序,你可以用这个快捷键把程序移到另一个工作区,这样你的桌面就整洁多了
突破口语一口气英语第四册(刘毅)异域文化 人、艺术、世界听好书学英语-经管类北京仁爱英语八年级上(动画版)经典短篇小说101篇(原版)